
Google chrome for android
Google chrome for android

google chrome for android

Step 1: Disable the Internet on Your Phone There are other ways to play similar versions of the game, but to play the real deal, you have to be offline. Previously only available on the beta channel, the game works on stable Chrome now, but the only way to play is if your phone is without internet, unfortunately. That dinosaur is actually the start of an addicting jumping mini-game that you can play, if you know the right moves. Just like on the Google Chrome desktop version, whenever you're not connected to the internet and you try to load a webpage on your iPhone or Android phone, you'll get the "There is no Internet connection" or "You are offline" message in Chrome with a friendly looking dinosaur image above it. This gem unlocks a secret side-scrolling game that can keep you busy during your downtime.

google chrome for android

While having no internet connection is definitely a bad thing when you need it, you can at least bide your time until you're back online with a hidden Easter egg inside of the Google Chrome browser.

Google chrome for android