
Steam link samsung tv 4k
Steam link samsung tv 4k

steam link samsung tv 4k

The reason for continuing to be something unknown among many users is that, when playing at home, why would you do it on a phone instead of doing it in front of your computer, with your good gaming monitor and the comfort of your chair. Of course, this Steam Link option is prior to all this video game streaming over the Internet, although it has not achieved much popularity among most users. How is that accomplished? Well, the application connects to the computer through the local network itself and it sends it a video signal in the same way that we now see that services such as Stadia or GeForce Now do.

steam link samsung tv 4k

That is, you can continue your game on a smartphone, tablet or television. Its aim was and still is to allow extend the gaming experience beyond the computer. Steam Link is an app that Steam released a long time ago. 5 Steam Link Anywhere and Remote Play Together.

steam link samsung tv 4k

4 The best devices to use Steam Link on your TV.

Steam link samsung tv 4k